Minggu, 17 April 2011


Food is the main factor which reflects on the surface of the skin. rich in simple carbohydrates compared with damage to the inner cells of the body Foods. Waffles, cakes, cookies and beverages made of simple sugars. They help to increase the weight and also contribute to sudden eruptions of the skin surface. Excessive oil consumption is bad for the skin. It makes the surface smooth, resulting in oil. The oils produced by the cells that accumulate in the inner surface of the pores. care system should be adequate to prevent accumulation of oil in the pores.
Processed foods contain trans fatty acids that can damage the surface structure. canned soups and other products causing break the surface and makes it wrinkled. Green leafy vegetables are particularly rich in fiber, high in fiber. This spread of harmful toxins from the body. Yellow fruits are particularly rich in vitamin C, which is excellent for the skin.

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